Hotel-Gasthof Goldener Löwe
Familie Schöser, Hußlstraße 4
6130 Schwaz, Tyrol, Austria

Phone: +43 5242 623730
Fax: +43 5242 6237344
You are here: » Culinary » Meal Options
Accommodation and breakfast (B&B) or half board .

Choose between the following options in our Hotel Gasthof Goldener Löwe:


Accomodation and breakfast (B&B):

A good day starts with a good breakfast. We serve a generous breakfast buffet which will allow you to replenish your energy for coming challenges.

A business-breakfast for business travelers who have to leave early is served starting at 7 o’clock.


Accommodation and half board:

Enjoy our three-course dinner in the evening and choose between two different main dishes.

Goldener Löwe Schwaz Goldener Löwe Schwaz